Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Turkey Stock

For Christmas, JM wanted a big turkey dinner. Since he would be the one to cook the bird, I agreed. We had a delicious dinner that night and I decided to try my hand at making homemade turkey stock. I figured it couldn't be that hard, just throw the bones in with some veggies and water and let it cook all day.

Well, up to that point, it was pretty straight forward. It was after that it got to be a little more work. I strained everything from the liquid and let it cool. After leaving it in the fridge overnight, I scrapped off the fat (eww) and poured it into containers. Any one step wasn't too difficult but when you are dealing with such huge pots of often hot liquid, it was hard work. I'm not sure if it was worth it. I got 6.5 quarts of turkey stock that I put in the freezer for later use. We use chicken stock quite a bit, so we'll see how this compares. At the very least I learned something new!


Jules AF said...

I love making turkey stock for Thanksgiving! I never make it ahead of time, so we always have too much fat... Oh well.

Margaret said...

My grandma does that every year! It is so good!

Kristina P. said...

Good for you! I do things like this, and then never use it.

Mary said...

My SIL uses it to make turkey pot pie, which is awesome...just a thought ;o)

Nikki said...

Awesome! I've never tried making stock; it's too scary - good for you!